Monday, August 1, 2011

Blog Prompt

Hello alls,

Your blog prompt, due TONIGHT (Monday 1 Aug) AT MIDNIGHT, is to create an outline for your research paper.  Look at what you have so far, and see how it fits into the formulas/outlines we discussed on Friday.  Post the outline, including specific points and how they are contributing to your thesis, and tlak about what you may need to still include, what you may need to cut, etc.  If you already have an outline, great--post it, and talk about what may need to change still.

I'll see you each at conferences and in class on Wednesday!


IP Conferences

Below is a schedule of conferences for the next few days.  Please be on time to your conference.  I am going to keep a strict time schedule, so if you are late then I'm afraid we'll either have to reschedule or you'll have to have a shorter conference.

Monday 1 August in CLASSROOM

10:00  Alyssa P.
10:15  Katie
10:30  Amanda
10:45  Alyssa D.
11:00  Capri
11:15  Esmerelda
11:30  Jake A.
11:45  Charity
12:00  Bryan
12:15  Lucy
12:30  Caleb
12:45  Melissa

Tuesday 2 August in 3004 JKB

12:00  Jacob T.
12:15  Brannon
12:30  Alison
12:45  Emily
1:00    Kyle
1:15    Shannon
1:30    Amy