Friday, February 25, 2011

Blog Prompt: RA Reflection

Hello class,

Just a reminder:  Rhetorical Analysis due on TUESDAY, hard copy, stapled, with rubric from Supplemental Guide attached.  Also, feel free to go to the writing center anytime between now and when it is due for some extra help on your paper AND 10 points of extra credit (redeemable once only for the RA, of course).

Also:  Blog post due tomorrow at NOON.  This should be a reflection on the RA process.  How did it go? Good/bad?  What worked well, what didn't?  More or less difficult than the OpEd?  What could you have done better?  What could I have done better, or the department, or whatever?  What would you change about it?  And so forth.

Word.  Keep it real this weekend and I'll see you all on Tuesday!



m.MARIKA.g said...

Hey Chris,
do you know how many comments we should have written on other peoples blogs? Just wondering!


Christopher/The Instructor said...

Since we just finished the 8th week of school (I think), and you should be getting up about 5 comments a week, and because we missed a week or two in there somewhere, you should have around 35 comments posted total. Give or take a few.