Friday, January 27, 2012

Yet Another Blog Prompt

Hey alls,

You have a FREE blog prompt due tomorrow.  What that means is:  you need to post something by noon tomorrow on your blog, but its up to you what you post.  It can be about how much you love the Cranberries (the band, not the fruit), or what your weekend plans are, or why your Writing 150 teacher gives you a severe case of the wiggins (but, of course, you'll be held accountable for whatever you post (-:).  So there you have it--open blog post due tomorrow.


P.S.  There are two punctuational/grammatical errors in this post. One extra credit point for each.  First person/people to point out the mistakes AND a correct version of the mistakes win(s).


Katelynn said...

What that means is you need to post something... or What that means: you need to post something...
There shouldn't be a colon after a verb.

Miss McKenna Jean said...

In the second sentence it should say, ". . . but it's up to you what you post." The apostrophe was missing in its.

Christopher/The Instructor said...

nice. Katelynn and KcKenna take the extra credit points :-)

chelseachoo said...

Nicely done. You beat me to it.